Virtual Christmas Concert 2020
Virtual Remembrance Day
Concert 2020
Amid the pandemic of 2020 the Sidney Concert Band has come together (with all social distancing and safety protocols in mind) to present this virtual Remembrance Day Concert for you. We really miss performing for you “live” and are looking forward to the time that we will all be back together once again. We hope you enjoy our presentation.
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SCB’s Got Talent!
A Poem by Pamela Jackson
The Sidney Concert Band’s Got Talent,
in spades…
How else could 50 musicians give you
76 trombones and a parade?
Teenage trumpeter and sexy senior sax
made for an afternoon of music,
Swing to Soaring
where you could just relax…
Just take it in, go with the flow
from wind to brass they gave us
great music that we all know,
and wanted more.
A Blue Moon over Camelot, a Magic Flute,
Wildcat March, that was a beaut
From The Highest Peak, then shoot
into space with Star Trek. Smooth.
From Armenia to Cuba,
these musicians boldly went,
an afternoon with musicians superb
which only confirmed we had spent
our time wisely to salute great talent.
– by Pamela Jackson